Small business credit cards can be a vital part of operating a successful company. The advantages are numerous and can include higher credit limits, business lines of credit and generous rewards programs, to name a few. Depending on the specific needs of your business, there are many programs to choose from.
• Higher credit limits
• Business lines of credit
• Additional cards for employees
• Gas rebate rewards
• Airline miles bonuses
• Rewards points redeemable for office supplies
• Cash back
• Customized cards
These are but a few of the programs and services offered through small business credit cards. Credit card companies such as Chase, American Express, Discover Card and Advanta offer many options to choose from that will allow you to tailor your business credit card to meet your company’s financial needs.
Another advantage that must be pointed out is the ability to track expenses and have access to your expenditures 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. After your small business credit card application is approved many issuers will provide you with your own business agent who is responsible for assisting your company with specialized business solutions.
Of course, just as with a personal credit card, you will want to fully familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the Visa and MasterCard credit cards that interest you. Full protection against fraud and theft is not an option, it is mandatory for any card to be considered. Your business deserves nothing less.
They say that the majority of small businesses fail in three years time. What is the reason? The idea may have been good, but the financial side of things was not on a stable foundation. Give your small business every opportunity to succeed with a small business credit card.
A business credit card helps in a number of ways. The companies that offer the best small business credit cards are leaders in the industry. Credit card companies like Advanta, Capital One, Discover Card, Chase, and American Express want to see the small business grow and succeed.
What do they offer? For one thing, you can earn cash back and travel rewards miles on all purchases in some form or fashion. Increased cash rewards are earned for gas purchases. If your business involves road travel or airline travel, you will save on hotels, rental cars, and restaurant bills. Cards are also issued to employees at no additional cost.
Best of all, these small business credit cards allow you to track your spending anytime of the day or night. Simply log on to your online account and see where the money is being spent. This is crucial for small businesses that need to keep a tighter rein on the finances in the beginning. Compare benefits today before choosing which card to apply for.