Airline credit cards have become an incredibly popular rewards program. More and more Americans take to the sky each and every day for both business and pleasure. An airline reward credit card is a service that basically works on the premise that for every dollar you spend, you will be rewarded with airline miles. Delta Sky Miles is a very popular travel card.

There are many air miles credit cards to choose from so you really have to decide which one is best suited to your needs by comparing the various offers. You also want to closely look at the interest rates offered. Typically, airline credit cards charge higher interest rates in order to offset the airmiles they reward as incentives for using their card.

Important considerations to keep in mind include:

• How many miles or points are rewarded per dollar spent
• What is the conversion rate to air miles
• Can you use your points for hotels, restaurants and rental cars
• How easy is it to redeem your points
• Are there any blackout dates
• Do the points have an expiration date
• What types of purchases qualify for airline miles rewards

Carefully review the terms and conditions set forth on the airline credit card application. Some offers are good for flights on only one airline such as United or Delta, while other cards allow you to choose from several carriers. Also, take the time to consider the annual fees charged by the issuing credit card company. They are usually higher than the fees charged on traditional cards so be aware of that.

People love to travel. It’s fun to board a plane and fly to new destinations. Besides, travel by air is the fastest way to get there and you have more time to spend doing the things that you enjoy. With the vast offering of airline credit cards, it’s easier than ever to earn and redeem miles to fly the friendly skies. What are your reasons for earning miles?

There is an airline credit card for you. Business travelers can earn miles with each purchase and double miles with some cards. Best of all, there are no blackout dates. We’ve all heard of them. You rack up 100,000 points only to find out that they can only be redeemed on December 1st for a trip to Siberia.

Don’t worry. All of the new credit cards used for business or pleasure have no blackout dates. Now, the interest rates are higher on these cards, but the benefits outweigh that. If you fly frequently, an airline credit card really is the best choice. Some airline credit cards earn miles to fly on specific airlines.

If this is an airline that you fly frequently, choosing their card will give you the best benefit. For those who shop around to find the best airline fares especially if you are flying with family, choose a card that lets you choose your airline.

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