Clear from American Express is an instant approval credit card that has no annual fees. This is about as straight-forward that owning a credit card gets. No complicated formulas or obtuse verbiage to wade through here. The Amex Clear card gives card holders a simple to understand, yet generous rewards program. Simply stated, when certain spending limits are reached, a gift card is sent to the card holder in the mail. It’s refreshing to see a rewards program that doesn’t require a degree from MIT to figure out.

As stated before there are no annual fees with this card but it gets better than that. In fact, the best thing about this card is that it has no fees of any kind. No balance transfer fees, no cash advance fees and no over the limit fees. It is your choice to pay in full each month or carry a balance from one billing cycle to the next. When you apply online you will know in about 60 seconds if you have been approved through the American Express express approval system. It’s always nice to know where you stand without having to wait.

If you do carry a balance the interest rate charged will be based on your current credit history. The APR for this credit card offer is reasonable compared to that of some other rewards cards offered through other banks and credit card issuers. The American Express Clear Card features additional perks and benefits including a free year end credit report and score, purchase protection, extended warranty, emergency card replacement, travel accident insurance, auto rental insurance, medical referral services, legal referral services and more.

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