Blue Cash from American Express earned the distinction of being named the best cash rebate credit card from Kiplinger’s Personal Finance. If you have a solid credit history and are interested in earning cash rewards on your purchases then this is the card for you. Cardholders earn 5% cash rebates on their every day purchases at gas stations, supermarkets and drugstores. A 1.5% rebate is rewarded for all other purchases made with the card.
In addition to earning generous cash rebates, cardholders benefit from the American Express Buyers Assurance Plan, the purchase protection plan, up to $100,000 in travel accidant insurance and 100% protection against fraud and unauthorized use. Just as the Blue Sky from American Express card offers its customers full service ammenities and protection, so too does Blue Cash from American Express.
Some of the features and benefits included with this offer are:
• No Annual Fee
• A Balance Transfer Option
• 0% Introductory Rate
• Up to 5% Cash Back Rewards
• Purchase Protection
• Extended Warranties
• Year End Financial Statement
• Car Rental Insurance
• Full Protection Against Unauthorized Use
These are but a few of the benefits that cardholders enjoy. For those individuals that carry a monthly balance there is also a balance transfer option. The introductory offer is 0% APR for six months. After the into period expires the balance transferred is locked in at 4.99% for the life of the balance. You would be hard pressed to find interest rates that low with any other offer thanBlue Cash from American Express.
You are encouraged to read the terms and conditions of this, and any other credit card offer that you are interested in before you apply. When you complete the online application, and meet the the standards required, you will receive approval notice within 60 seconds. There is no charge to apply for this or any other American Express credit card offer featured on