The American Express Preferred Rewards Green Card is a charge card which means it is ideal for individuals that pay their bills in full every month. No need to worry about APRs and rising interest rates with this credit card offer. There is no pre-set spending limit and a generous rewards program. When you apply online for the Amex Green card you will get virtually instant approval. It takes about a minute to know you have been approved.
Upon approval card holders are automatically enrolled in the American Express Membership Rewards program. The program grants cardholders one point for every dollar they spend using their Amex Green card. Points earned can be used for a multitude of goods and services and can even be transferred to a number of frequent flyer programs. This card is ideal for people that travel frequently.
Double bonus points are rewarded for purchases at gas stations, supermarkets, drug stores and other retail outlets. As with all credit card offers, be sure to carefully read the application to understand the terms, benefits and restrictions that accompany the offer. Also bear in mind that if you prefer to carry a monthly balance then this is not the card for you. If you prefer to carry a balance from one billing cycle to the next then you will want a credit card, not a charge card.
The annual fee for the American Express Rewards Green Card is rather high, but if you use your card often enough the bonus rewards earned will more than offset those costs. There are additional perks offered that include emergency cash replacement, guaranteed hotel reservations, medical referral services, travel accident insurance, car rental insurance, extended warranty protection and much more. And as with all American Express cards, you are completely covered with fraud protection.