In order to apply for a Visa credit card you will need to have your personal information on hand. The Visa credit card application requires an email address for contact as well as a working phone number. Basic personal information such as your first, last and middle name are needed. You must be 18 years or older and be able to provide a valid social security number.

A street address is required; post office boxes are not accepted. Provide your city, state and zip code as well. You will be asked if you own or rent your home and how long you have resided there. This information is helpful to creditors on understanding more about what type of creditor you are. Your date of birth, and the set up of a security question and password will also be requested.

If you are applying for a Visa business card you will be asked the above credit information as well as details about your business. What is the business name, how long has the business been running and so on. After this information is completed and sent your credit history will be reviewed and you will receive email or postal information of your approval or denial.

For many people who dislike waiting for this information, they can choose to apply online for an instant approval. After applying online you will hear of the creditors decision within seconds. If approved your card will be mailed to you at the address you used in submitting your Visa credit card application.

If you are disapproved you may want to review a copy of your credit report to insure that all of your credit information is correct. Sadly enough 80% of all credit reports carry incorrect information. The Fair Credit Reporting Act states that all discharged debts must show a zero balance and you can have this information corrected. The information needed is not complex and is protected and secure. If you are interested in a Visa credit card, search online and apply today.

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