Best Ways To Save Money On A Tight Budget
If you have short-term debts (credit cards, car loans, store accounts, and personal loans) you have enough income to start saving for Financial Independence. I my last post, “Give Yourself…
If you have short-term debts (credit cards, car loans, store accounts, and personal loans) you have enough income to start saving for Financial Independence. I my last post, “Give Yourself…
This blog is mainly about what most people refer to as “saving for retirement” but I refer to as Financial Independence. “Retirement” is a word that makes me think of…
While you’re working, your primary financial focus is on saving and growing your money. But, that changes once you declare Financial Independence. From then on the name of the game…
Credit Score is the primary factor by which banks decide whether you are a loyal customer and not a payment defaulter. It is calculated on your previous bank history and…