There are numerous cards available for all types of consumers and each of their specific needs. It can be confusing to someone who is looking for a credit card for the first time. It is best to ask yourself this question: What am I using this card for? This single question can help you to choose a credit card. To narrow down the three best cards, there is a card listed for each user. There are cards for personal use, cards for the homeowner and cards for the businessperson.
Personal Expenses
The Citibank Platinum Select Card is helpful for those making general purchases. Groceries, gasoline or clothing are examples of this. There is a 0% Introductory APR for up to 12 months. The standard APR is a low 9.74% and there is no annual fee. This card does offer balance transfers that many credit card users prefer.
Homeowner Expenses
The Citibank Home Rebate Platinum Select Master Card is useful in paying down your mortgage faster. Your rebates earned are applied directly to your mortgage principle. A 6% rebate is earned on payments on utilities, cable/satellite TV, Internet and telecom services for six months. You earn 1% rebate on all other purchases. There is a 0% Introductory APR for 12 months. The APR standard is 11.74% and there is no annual fee. Balance transfers are allowed.
Business Expenses
The Citi-Professional Card is helpful with business expenses. Rebates are earned for business expenses and are earned through specific retailers. There is a 0% Introductory APR for 12 months. The standard is 11.24% with no annual fee. This card also offers an online expense organizer and a quarterly annual account summary.
There truly is a card for every consumer from student to government employee. Finding the right card is all a matter of taking the time to understand what you will use your card for and what rewards or rebates you are interested in. Take some time for yourself and find the perfect credit card today.