It is always advised to take the time to review and compare your credit card choices to ensure that the card you choose best fits your credit card needs. Once you have done so it is all a matter of filling out your credit card application. You can do so easily online with minimal information. Once you have chosen your preferred Citibank credit card it’s time to provide some personal, employment and bank information.
Your first area of the application will include details of contact information. This information will include email for instant approval and your personal information. This information includes your name, address, social security number, date of birth and so on. The next area of the application will request bank details. Is the account for checking, savings or money market?
The third area is going to ask you for employment details. Who is your employer and how long have you been employed by this company? You will also have to provide your title and gross annual income. After this section is an area to choose who is authorized to use this card. The final area of your application will be a confirmation that the information provided by you is valid and true.
You will then be able to submit your form for credit consideration. Citibank does offer an instant approval credit card. You can receive your approval or denial in a matter of seconds by email versus the standard reply by mail that can take several days.
Filling out an online application for a Citibank credit card is easier than ever and the offers are helpful for students, business owners and homeowners as well. Review the many choices for credit cards that Citibank has to offer and you will find that there is a card for everyone and every need.