When it comes to filling out a student credit card application there are four areas of needed information. These areas include personal, school, contact and bank information. Below is a more detailed guide to these areas.

Personal Information
* First and last name
* Social security number
* Date of birth
* Street address (P.O. boxes are not accepted).
* City, state and zip code
* Phone number and or email

School Information
* School name and location
* Contact phone number
* Education details such as class level and graduation date

Contact Information
* Permanent home address
* Relatives contact information

Bank Information
* Bank account type
* Employment or financial questions may be included here as well

Once you have provided the specific requested information and agree that this information is accurate and true your application can be sent and you will receive confirmation on acceptance or denial by mail or email. You will want to be sure to use your card wisely. Some credit card companies offer online sites that assist you in proper credit card use.

Applying for a credit card as a student can assist you in building a healthy credit history for the future. It can assist a student with purchases when cash flow is tight. A student credit card can be helpful but should be used with caution to prevent credit card debt.

Review student credit cards and take the time to compare several cards. Look for annual fees and the standard annual percentage rate (APR). With the cost of books and other materials you wouldn’t want an overwhelmingly high percentage rate. Once you have done your research you will be thankful you did when your student credit card arrives at your door.

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