The Chase Free Cash Rewards Visa Card is a credit card that is designed for consumers with a good credit rating that would like to earn cash back rewards for purchases of the goods and services that they use every day. Earn one point for every dollar spent and 1000 bonus points are awarded for your very first purchase. As each 2500 point threshold is reached a $25 gift card or a check for $25 will be issued to the cardholder.

Upon acceptance of your Chase Free Cash Rewards credit card application you will have the opportunity to take advantage of the balance transfer option. It is an introductory offer that allows you to transfer balances held with other banks and credit card companies. The 0% APR introductory offer also extends to new purchases for a limited time. This is an excellent opportunity to consolidate what you owe while saving money on high interest rates.

Upon expiration of the introductory rate the interest rate charged to the account holder will be based on their credit history. Stronger credit ratings will result in a lower APR for the card holder. Of course, if you pay off your card in full at the conclusion of every billing cycle then the annual percentage rate will not matter. In addition there is no annual fee associated with this Chase Visa cash back credit card offer.

Cardholders will also have all the features and benefits afforded to Chase platinum members including full protection against unauthorized use, annual financial statements, extended warranties, purchase protection, emergency assistance including cash and card replacement, auto rental insurance, travel accident insurance and more. Be sure to carefully review the terms set forth in the application before you apply for this or any other credit card offer.

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